ISSUE DATE: Dec. 14, 1936
Artist Dali who wears a knitted Catalan liberty cap whenever possible, takes surrealism in dead earnest, but has a faculty for publicity which should turn any circus press agent green with envy. On his first arrival in the U. S. he solemnly explained: “I used to balance two broiled chops on my wife’s shoulders, and then by observing the movement of tiny shadows produced by the accident of the meat on the flesh of the woman I love while the sun was setting, I was finally able to attain images sufficiently lucid and appetizing for exhibition in New York.” He was taken up by swank New York socialites and in his honor was held a fancy dress ball that is still the talk of the West Fifties. Mme Dali wore a dress of transparent red paper and a headdress made of boiled lobsters and a doll’s head. Artist Dali wore a glass case on his chest containing a brassiere.
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