ISSUE DATE: Mar. 3, 1941
Tens of thousands of fans know that Gary Cooper is 6 feet 2¾ inches tall, 175 pounds heavy, 40 years old, and that if he grew a beard he would look rather like Abraham Lincoln. To his friends he is “Coop.” Though special tributes are often paid him where young women gather, he escapes such masculine calumny as sometimes finds its way toward the ears of Clark Gable. Boyfriends and husbands watch him without defensive squirming. Had Coop been a longshoreman he might well have been the most popular, if not the most active, man at the waterfront bars. Had he gone to Yale he might well have been the Most Popular Man in his class. As it was, he went to Hollywood and became the most popular man in the nation—an ideal choice for Capra-Riskin’s Meet John Doe.
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