Even 007 makes mistakes — and, more to the point, even 007’s film crews make mistakes. Over the course of nearly two dozen movies, it would be shocking if there weren’t any bloopers, continuity errors or goofs. Some of our favorites are:
- In Dr. No, when Bond correctly guesses that Professor Dent has no more bullets left because his Smith & Wesson holds only six, the actor playing Professor Dent is actually carrying a seven-shot Colt .45.
- The false diamonds Bond places in the smuggler’s body in Diamonds Are Forever are made of paste, but they survive the smuggler’s cremation.
- A transmitter in The Spy Who Loved Me, made in the shape of a music box, plays a song that was prohibited in the USSR at that time: the theme from Dr. Zhivago.
There’s only one Bond blooper we can’t forgive: in a Tokyo scene in You Only Live Twice, Bond is offered a stirred martini and—gasp!—he accepts. —Lily Rothman
(MORE: The cocktails of James Bond)