THE MOVIE(S): A Clockwork Orange
THE HAT: Like many hats preferred by gentlemen and tradesmen, the bowler (also known as a derby), is symbol of both civility and domestic uniformity. They’re worn — to great chilling effect — by the sociopathic Alex DeLarge and his gang of “droogs” in Stanley Kubrick’s brilliant adaptation of Anthony Burgess’ (equally brilliant) dystopian novella.
OTHER DERBY/BOWLER-WEARING CHARACTERS: Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, Tereza (Juliette Binoche) in The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Mayor John Clum (Terry O’Quinn) in Tombstone, Harlen Maguire (Jude Law) in The Road to Perdition, John McCabe in McCabe and Mrs. Miller, and, perhaps most famously, Odd Job and his deadly steel-rimmed hat from Goldfinger.