In Breaking Bad’s last episode, Walter White goes out in a blaze. But is it glory?
Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad Watch: The Iceman Cometh
The next-to-last episode puts Walt in the deep freeze — and everyone else through hell

Breaking Bad Watch: Take Good Care of My Baby
An excruciating, terrific episode cranks up the intensity, but also shows that this drama really is about family. Even if Heisenberg has a funny way of showing it.

Breaking Bad Watch: Here Comes the Cavalry
The pulse-pounding “To’hajiilee” seemed to set up a certain kind of ending, but Breaking Bad is not ready to give Walt–or freaked-out viewers–the answers so easily.

Breaking Bad Watch: You Gotta Keep the Devil Way Down in the Hole
As Jesse tries to turn on “Mr. White,” Breaking Bad reveals itself as a horrifying, sustained depiction of the psychology of abuse.
Breaking Bad Watch: Confessions of a Middle-Aged Drug Kingpin
As the show’s finale nears, the confessions begin to pile up

Breaking Bad Watch: You Made Your Bed of Money, Now Lie on It
In a series of wrenching scenes, Skyler (and the rest of us) must stare down the aftermath of last week’s big revelations.

Breaking Bad Watch: I Am the One Who Gets Knocked Out
If you were worried Breaking Bad would take its time getting back up to speed, worry no more. It’s game on

Breaking Bad Watch: Flush of Recognition
SPOILER ALERT: Before you read this post, make sure you take any necessary bathroom breaks, then watch Sunday night’s 2012 finale of Breaking Bad.
Breaking Bad began its final season with enough shoes-waiting-to-drop to fill …
Breaking Bad Watch: Four Terrifying Glimpses of Walter White, Lost Cause
“I’m the cook. I’m the man who killed Gus Fring…now, say my name.”
Sunday night’s Breaking Bad was so fascinating – equal parts wrenching, shocking and creepy – that I actually logged on this morning hoping …

Breaking Bad Watch: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
SPOILER ALERT: Before you read this post, pick up some green beans from the deli counter and watch last night’s Breaking Bad.

Breaking Bad Watch: Train in Vain
SPOILER ALERT: Before you read this post, put off watching that DVD of Heat you just picked up and watch last night’s Breaking Bad.
“Swear on your children’s lives.” –Lydia
He does it for the kids. Whatever sins Walter …

Breaking Bad Watch: Do You Want To Know a Secret?
SPOILER ALERT: Before you read this post, turn off that Three Stooges movie and watch last night’s Breaking Bad.
“Hazard Pay” broke almost neatly into two halves. The first was a kind of getting-the-band-back-together …