The season finale leaves us much to reflect on the past, present, and future of the men and women of SC&P
Mad Men
Mad Men Watch: Don Draper’s Baby
In the penultimate installment, Pete discovers Bob, Don discovers liquid breakfasts, and another world discovers Sally
Mad Men Watch: Will the Circles Be Unbroken?
In which Bob comes out, Peggy screams bloody murder, and Sally’s seen it all.
Mad Men Watch: Are You There, God? It’s Me, Mad Men
In NYC, sisters are doing it for themselves; meanwhile, Don goes California Nightmaring.
Mad Men Watch: Loving You Is the Worst Way to Get to You
Peggy waves a knife around, Betty waves her arms around, Ted and Don wave their manhood around, and Joan and Bob Benson do the Beach Blanket Boogie.
Mad Men Watch: This Is Your Office on Drugs
Looking for love in all the wrong places…
Mad Men Watch: It’s Not Butter, It’s Heartbreak
In which a margarine campaign goes sour, Sylvia goes home, Pete’s mom goes to hell, and SCDPCGC just might go to pieces.
Mad Men Watch: How Much Damage Did You Do, Peaches?
Now we’re getting somewhere!
Mad Men Watch: In the Name of Love
History intrudes yet again, with tragic results.
Mad Men Watch: Love and/or Money
Love, and respect, and ketchup, and sex, now for sale at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.
Mad Men Watch: Help Wanting
Our heroes learn to be more careful what they wish for.
Mad Men Watch: The Straight Pathway Is Lost
Mad Men returns for a penultimate season, full of sex, death, and booze.

Mad Men Watch: Open Your Mouth and Say Ennui
SPOILER ALERT: Before you read this review, put a mask on your face, breathe deeply and watch last night’s Season 5 finale of Mad Men.
Season 5 of Mad Men ended with Don Draper in a bar, fielding an advance from a cute young …