I die. The worst sounds to come out of anyone’s mouth. Ever. Justin plays Seamus O’Grady, a bad-boy Irish mobster and ex-lover of Drew Barrymore’s character Dylan. While Seamus is meant to be as ruthless as he is sexy, Justin seems unsure if the character is from Ireland, Scotland, northern England, or the moon. The result means nearly every scene with him in it is an unending LOL-fest that completely undermines any realism director Joseph McGinty Nichol may have been aiming for (I stress may). Not to mention that it makes him deeply unattractive.
I really don’t get it, though: Why not just make the character Irish-American? Or, if he must be Irish, hire an actual Irish actor? Perhaps the accent is meant to make him seem more … roguish. You know us Irish guys, with our lilting vowels, charming smiles, and deeply ingrained criminal natures! Sigh. Sorry Justin, this doesn’t even have the sliver of cheesy charm other bad screen accents have, and actually makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
GRADE: Utterly unworthy of a grade.