Boardwalk Empire Watch: The Season Finale
“Margate Sands” delivers a bloodbath in true Boardwalk Empire style
“Margate Sands” delivers a bloodbath in true Boardwalk Empire style
Load your weapons and watch “Two Impostors” before continuing
We had trouble sleeping after “A Man, a Plan…” — one of the darkest episodes in a dark series
The boardwalk of his empire having been bombed, Nucky faces hard new realities
As his war with New York rivals intensifies, Nucky risks losing everything
The theme of “Sunday Best” is revelation. Revealing facts and motivations costs any fiction writer a great deal, and let’s thank the Boardwalk writers for giving up some secrets. Including the pilot, I can’t think of a better …
When everything begins to burn, everyone runs for a personal exit
When the war moves to New York, everyone feels more exposed
Even as Nucky finds himself caught, a new boy emerges to help him
Last week, everybody got guns. This week, everybody got issues.
If Nucky can’t be half a gangster, can he be a gangster at all?
House struggles to find out which member of his team is plotting against him
In which we unravel mysteries behind two blind men—this week’s patient as well as his visionless doctor