The White House is an exciting place to work in any context, so there’s probably not much explanation needed on our parts. We’re talking about the literal home of power, and a good chunk of the people who make our world what it is call it their office. But that doesn’t mean we want to work under just any TV administration. (Case in point: 24.) The West Wing White House combines the chance to work for the President with the chance to do it Sorkinesquely. Striding through corridors! Speaking quickly! Maybe even shedding a tear at an inspirational moment! Workplace crises are so much more exciting when the fate of the free world is at stake and the things you say about that fate are always moving and/or funny. Come to think of it, even though the White House is, well, the White House, we’d happily apply to work at Sorkin’s Sports Night, Facebook or even Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.
Reasons to send your resume: prestige, banter
(MORE: Jeff Daniels on The Newsroom, Sorkin’s Script and Public Meltdowns)[youtube=]