The only X-rated movie to ever take home a Best Picture Oscar, Midnight Cowboy tells the story of an unlikely duo: the wide-eyed Joe Buck, who has left his small town in Texas to pursue a career as a street hustler in New York, and Enrico “Ratso” Rizzo, a petty criminal who dreams of making a new start in Miami. It’s a grim but utterly fascinating portrait of two unforgettable characters — and if there’s one scene that doesn’t quite ring true, it’s probably the famous party scene. It’s a glitzy soiree, clearly inspired by the nocturnal happenings at Andy Warhol’s Factory (and featuring cameos by Factory regulars Ultra Violet and Viva), at which Joe and Ratso are clearly outsiders — the former wanders the floor in a stoned haze, and the latter tries to make off with a plate of cold cuts from the buffet table.