“Get away from her, you bitch!” Twenty-five years ago, movie audiences cheered when intergalactic badass Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), encased in a powered exo-suit, went claw-to-claw against the terrifying alien queen. Almost six decades after the killer xenomorphs wiped out her crew — which time she spent in stasis aboard the drifting escape shuttle — she is the reluctant and skeptical civilian advisor to a detachment of marines sent to a remote off-world colony presumably overrun by the same space nasties. Her repeated warnings fall on deaf and unbelieving ears — with predictably dire results. The resourcefulness and clear thinking that helped Ripley on the Nostromo kicks into high gear — fueled by the white-hot protective instincts brought on by the discovery of young Newt, the colony’s lone survivor. What’s true about grizzly bears (and, one supposes, acid-blooded lifeforms) holds true for pushed-to-her-limit cargo loaders: Never get between an angry mom and her kids.
INTERESTING FACT: Sigourney Weaver was reluctant to reprise her role from the first Alien movie and had rejected several lucrative offers from the studio. It was solely the strength of James Cameron’s script (and his understanding of her character) that brought her to the project.