Steve Martin’s 1991 Father of the Bride remake (the 1950 original stars Spencer Tracy) is one of the sweetest, most heartwarming films ever made. It’s also hilarious. Just when you think the loving-father-has-trouble-letting-his-little-girl-grow-up plotline will veer little too far into Lifetime Movie territory, Martin lightens the mood with a pratfall, a run-in with a Doberman or an argument with Franck the wedding planner (Martin Short). But in the final wedding scene, Martin puts the jokes aside to reflect on what it’s like for a parent to watch his child get married. “I realized at that moment,” Martin thinks to himself during the ceremony, “that I was never going to come home again and see Annie at the top of the stairs, that I’d never see her again at our breakfast table in her nightgown and socks. I suddenly realized what was happening: Annie was all grown up and leaving us. Something inside began to hurt.”
Excuse us, we have to go call our fathers.