At the end of the first season of Survivor, it was down to two competitors in what became TV’s first, but not last, Lord of the Fliesstyle competition. 16 diverse Americans had been stranded on a remote island off the coast of Borneo. Neither of the two finalists river guide Kelly Wiglesworth and the often disturbingly naked corporate coach Richard Hatch were all that well liked, having connived their way to the final, so when their fellow tribe members and jilted competitors got a chance to ask them questions for the last face-off, it was not pretty.
Sue Hawk, a truck driver from Wisconsin, summed up her feelings in a rant: she compared Hatch to a snake and Wiglesworth to a rat, as in a snake hunting his prey while the rat runs from predators. Hawk implored her castmates to let Mother Nature run its course so the snake could eat the rat. But she wasn’t done attacking Wiglesworth. “If I were ever to pass you along in life again, and you were laying there, dying of thirst,” she told Wiglesworth, “I would not give you a drink of water. I would let the vultures take you and do whatever they want with you, with no ill regrets.”
Moments like Hawk’s have led Survivor to film 22 seasons, from its beginning in 2000 to the present day.