From the artist who brought the world the line, “I’d like to check you for ticks,” a song like “I’m Still a Guy” really shouldn’t surprise. But in “I’m Still a Guy” Brad Paisley is the worst kind of dude. The kind that will throw a macho-guy-pride fit if you ask him to hold your purse when your hands are full. The kind, apparently, that always thinks “drunk naked girl” when he looks at art. No, Paisley will not be “feminized.” You won’t find him getting a facial or plucking his eyebrows (what he calls getting “neutered”). He wants you to know that he still “has a pair” and he’ll let you know by feeling you up when all you really want is a back rub after a long day of work.
Sample lyrics: “But when you say a back rub means only a back rub and then swat my hand when I try/ Well, now what can I say at the end of the day/ Honey, I’m still a guy.”