Tuned In Tuned In

Happy BSG Day! What Do You Frakking Want?

Battlestar Galactica‘s finale airs tonight–and, PSA, runs about 11 minutes long, so pad your recordings–so consider this an open thread to discuss what you hope the show’s last hours will give you, and what you predict they will.

As mentioned, I’ve already seen the finale (and no, I am not breathing a word, hard as it is to …

Putting the Squeeze on Fees in Chicago

Yesterday I mentioned that in May, when the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art opens its new rooftop sculpture garden, it will also increase its admission fee by 20%, from $12.50 to $15. I think I’m seeing a trend here. Pending approval by the city, the Philadelphia Museum of Art also plans to increase admission fees, which range right …

Tuned In Tuned In

The Morning After: Bela-Ted

I never reviewed ABC’s new comedy Better Off Ted, it being a casualty of a busy week. Created by Victor Fresco (Andy Richter Controls the Universe) and set in the vaguely sinister R&D department of a megacorporation, it continues this TV season’s theme of abused science (Dollhouse, Fringe, Eleventh Hour) in the form of a sitcom. …

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