This week, TIME presents the All-TIME 100 movies, our list of the 100 most influential movies of the past 82 years. The films span comedy, horror, drama, romance, action and more. With so many different movies to choose from, we want to hear your thoughts on our list. Which films should have been included and weren’t? Were any movies on the list more influential than others?
I found your list interesting and valid. I know people will be up in arms because you left out Gone With the Wind, as well as classics like Rocky and The Usual Suspects. However, the one movie I feel should have definatley made the list (of top 3 movies, let alone 100), is Seven Samurai. Maybe this was an oversight because you didn’t want more than two Kurosawa films on the list? If this was the case, I feel Seven Samurai is a better movie than Yojimbo. Plus, it is arguably the first action movie ever made, and one of the single most influential movies of all time, not to mention it’s a riveting movie and great fun at the same time.
John Ferrigno
Meriden, CT
What are you smoking! That’s a terrible list.
Mae Teron
You’ve got to be kidding with this movie list of loser movies!!. Are you the same people who left Elvis Presley out of the list of most influential people of the century?
Jean Wilkey
Washington, D.C.
I am never one to read anything a critic may say about a movie because I’ve learned that an opinion is like a nose….everyone has one but there all different, however, I love “top lists” of any kind. Leaving The Colour Purple, Malcolm X & Do The Right Thing out is shocking to me. Have you gentelmen seen these movies?? I have to wonder because any “top” list without any of these titles is worthless. Start recognizing that the “black” movies have worth and tell a history that America would like to forget. The Shawshank Redemption & are 2 more movies not on this list. This has to be the worst top movie list I think I’ve ever seen.
Fight Club, Monty Python, The Matrix (only the first, of course), and some type of James Bond movie. Add those and I’d be happy. And just a FYI to you guys: Gone With the Wind was boring…this list seems to be more “funnest movies to watch” than “quality movies.”
Florissant, MO
Is this a joke? It must be to include some of the out and out dogs for film selections. What was the criteria? Drunken stupidity on a dark and lonely night? Where is Shawshank Redemption? Sound of Music? Gone With The Wind? Modern Times? The General? It’s time for Time to call it a career! What a joke!!
Ernest Reed
Toronto, Ontario
To include such movies as Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Bride of Frankenstein and A Hard Day’s Night, but leave out such classics as Gone With the Wind, From Here to Eternity, and To Kill a Mockingbird is pure insanity. These classics have some of the best writing and acting that has ever been on a movie screen. These two have shown that they have no taste and need to resign from their profession as movie critics.
Charlotte C. Brown
Columbia, SC
You can’t be serious about this top 100 movies of all time list, if you didn’t include The Gods Must be Crazy (with Nixau the Bushman) or Night of the Living Dead which portrays hicks in western PA as zombies (not much of a stretch, considering they voted for Sen. Rick Santorum).
James Burnette
Buffalo, NY
A good list. I am a buff who has seen all but a few of the films you’ve selected. I agree with most of them, but here are three of my top ten list that didn’t make it: Lacombe, Lucien,
Hard Times and Samurai Trilogy. Worst films ever: Goto, Il d-Amore and Todo Modo (with Mastroianni).
Rick Ackerman
Boulder, CO
I’m shocked, shocked, that you didn’t include the greatest adventure film ever filmed — Gunga Din. In fact, the other two movies made in the “Golden Year of Hollywood” (1939) were left off the list (Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz).
David Kornreich
San Ramon, CA
HAT??? You overlooked The Usual Suspects Great list, fun to look at and DISAGREE!!
Enecia Miller
Columbus, OH
I can’t believe this list is considered complete without Gone With The Wind……..
Stacey Williams
Where’s Shawshank Redemption in this line-up? I’ve seen this movie more than seven times, and it still gives me pause if I catch it playing as I’m channel surfing. It is my personal all-time favorite movie.
Boston, MA
Obviously your film critics and myself are far from being on the same page as to the choice for top 100 movies. Couldn’t you have given Ben Hur an honorable mention?
Buddy Soles
Oklahoma City
I agree with about 20 films on this list. But where is Malcolm X, which was the best film of the 90’s. How can you leave off A Soldier’s Story? Do the Right Thing and Menace II Society were amazing too. I have seen many lists and it seems like you overlook many of the black films. The only critic who doesn’t is Roger Ebert. The list you have is entertaining but it is very disappointing.
Ronald Warren
North Wales, PA
Some of my favorites are: Gone With the Wind, From Here to Eternity, Titanic, On the Waterfront,Giant, This Land is Mine, Parrish and Pillow Talk
Clarksburg, WV
I feel that major films like Braveheart and Titanic were left out wrongly. I am 52 and I only recognized a few of the 100 and I am an avid movie person. Way to many old movies on the list.
Wilma Wright
Iron City, TN
With all the fantastic movies made in the 20th and 21st centuries, 100 may be too restrictive a number. In choosing the “Top 100,” the critics have left out some incredibly popular classics: The Wizard of Oz, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Gone With the Wind, Jezebel, Tootsie, The Graduate, The Kid, La Strada, Bang the Drum Slowly, An American in Paris, and Fargo to name but a few. One of my own personal favorites, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, never makes it onto “best” lists, but it’s a gorgeous film and, interestingly enough, Elia Kazan’s Hollywood directorial debut.
Joyce O’Connor
North Arlington, NJ
I cant believe that you left out the Lion King.
Marine City, MI
I would like to see your list from 1 to 100 . Number one being the movie you consider best of all.
Ralph Smith
Parry Sound, Ontario
I actually really like the list very much. I am pleasantly suprised to see works like Tokyo Story and Brazil among the greats.
However, one truly great film was left out. This week, Harper Lee was honored for her only book, To Kill A Mockingbird. To leave out this excellent story, perhaps Gregory Peck’s finest work, actually hurts me a little inside. I have seen very few films and do not know much about the industry or it’s history, but this exclusion I’m sure is a mistake.
Otherwise, a fine job!
Bay Area, CA
A good list, but some glaring omissions. one that I feel strongly about in Dances with Wolves. That movie is one of the greatest of all time. Forrest Gump too, but I can live with that. No Dances with Wolves. is crazy and makes the list easily. Its crazy that its not there!
C. P. McCabe
Henrietta, NY
Through all the ages, I find it incredible that the top 100 left out a raft of ourstanding flicks. Just a few to jog your memory… Fantasia, Sgt. York, War of the Worlds, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington …and a few others which I would challenge you to consider. I guess critics are supposed to be a bit “elitist” or sophisticated and while I agree with many of your choices, I would remind you look up the derivative of the word “sophistication”
Brett Rippee
Seymour, MO
This list is absurd. My guess is it was compiled with the objective of getting the most response. Why not publish a list that you really believe in? Are you up to it? Do you really believe that Bride of Frankenstein is a better movie than Gone with the Wind?
Ed Malliinson
Orlando, FL
What happaned to 2001, A Space Odessey; where’s Fantasia; where’s Sound of Music; where’s The Sting; Gone With The Wind; it amazes me these and so many others were not included in your top 100!
Macedonia, OH