Sophie’s Choice: The London Version

Apotheosis of King James I/Rubens, 1630 — The National Gallery, London — Copyright: Private Collection 2000

Want to know why fundraising skills are overtaking art historical credentials as the most important job requirement for museum directors? Check out the latest issue of The Art Newspaper, which reports that the National …

Tuned In Tuned In

Lost Discussion Group: We're The Good Guys

On Lost, if it’s not one thing, it’s another. Literally. There’s been plenty written by Lostophiles about the show’s dualities: faith/reason, black/white, destiny vs. free will, and so on. There are probably several weeks’ worth of LDG questions in there, but for now, let’s stick with one: good / evil. Namely:

Who or what are the “good

Too Many Stars, Not Enough Sky?

Something of a cri de couer over the weekend by Hugh Pearman in The Sunday Times of London, registering his exasperation over the global frenzy to commission buildings by the familiar roster of architecture stars. I disagree, but I lived through the ’80s and ’90s in New York, when much was built and almost all of it was middling and …

Tuned In Tuned In

Test Pilot: K-Ville


Test Pilot is a semiregular feature this summer sharing my first impressions of the pilots for next fall’s shows. These aren’t reviews, since these pilots may be rewritten, recast and reshot before airing, and end up much better or worse. But, premature opinions are why God invented the Internet, so let’s get on with…

The Show:

80 Years of Robots in Hollywood

Movies robots aren’t just mindless automatons. They can often be metal marvels with their own charismatic personalities. TIME looks at cinema’s long tradition of smart silver screen machines.

Tuned In Tuned In

Big Love Watch: Help Me, Rhonda


Big Love is on a tear right now; while this episode didn’t quite match last week’s, it was again one of my favorites yet. It feels like the first season was just a prologue to this one–the show spent some slow time building its wide web of relationships, and we’re now seeing that pay dividends.

Another great week for Chloe …

Mass (MoCA) Confusion

In yesterday’s Boston Globe, Ken Johnson came down pretty hard on Mass MoCA for its hard to fathom decision to show a rump version of an installation by the Swiss sculptor Christoph Buchel that the museum had commissioned, then cancelled in May after squabbling with Buchel over rising costs.

I’ll let the lawyers sort out who was the …

Tuned In Tuned In

JFC Watch: Anyone? Anyone?

I’m not sure how many more weeks I’ll be able to do a John from Cincinnati Watch here, seeing as how part of the bargain in recapping a show is that the story should somehow, y’know, advance in each episode. Last night: John gets Joe to heal him after being stabbed by the Mexican Central Casting Gang, borrowing some Vietnam tidbit from …

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