Tuned In Tuned In

Test Pilot: Reaper

Photo: Michael Courtney/The CW

Test Pilot is a semiregular feature this summer sharing my first impressions of the pilots for next fall’s shows. These aren’t reviews, since these pilots may be rewritten, recast and reshot before airing, and end up much better or worse. But, premature opinions are why God invented the Internet, so let’s

Tuned In Tuned In

JPTV: What I'm Watching Tonight

Is it wrong to be waiting anxiously for the premiere of The Singing Bee? Yes. Yes, it is. But I am a weak man.

I also plan to catch Don’t Forget the Lyrics on Fox the next night for compare-and-contrast purposes. The latter show is apparently another in the proud Fox history of ripping off competitors’ reality concepts and rushing them …

The Problem with Postmodernism

I wrote a quick tribute yesterday to the late, great MoMA photo curator John Szarkowski. Today I got a comment worth highlighting from an important American photographer, Tod Papageorge, whose thoughts are of special interest because he’s one of the artists who works in the complex idiom that Szarkowski championed and clarified for the …

Tuned In Tuned In

LA on the Hudson: TV Press Tour Begins (Without Me)

The 2007 summer TV critics’ press tour–nearly three weeks when the TV networks bring out their stars for group interviews with the Television Critics Association–begins this week in LA. I’ll be watching it from the vantage point of sunny NYC. There are professional reasons (largely involving getting TIME to pony up for a three-week …

Tuned In Tuned In

Big Love Watch: Making the Pie Bigger

HBO photo: Lacey Terrell

Well, you can say this much for Bill: When he orders the pie, he really orders the pie. Seeing him chat up the waitress in the diner–and then confess his feelings to Don Embry–was one of those bracing moments where you realize that his lifestyle is still alien, as comfortable as you may have gotten with this …

John Szarkowski: 1925-2007

Today comes news of the death of John Szarkowski, MoMA’s great former chief curator of photography, a man whose influence over the field was immense. In his 29 years at MoMA, Szarkowski put his stamp decisively on the art and taste of his time simply by pointing to a few crucial photographers and saying attention must be paid. It was …

Tuned In Tuned In

Miniseries, Mini Review: The Bronx Is Burning

I don’t know if people who live outside New York City can understand the phenomenon of nostalgia for the city’s sleazy days of the 1970s. Maybe it’s a combination of high real-estate prices in the newly-cleaned up “America’s safest large city,” hipster irony and old-fashioned NYC contrariness, but it’s not uncommon to find people …

Tuned In Tuned In

Test Pilot: Big Shots


Test Pilot is a semiregular feature this summer sharing my first impressions of the pilots for next fall’s shows. These aren’t reviews, since these pilots may be rewritten, recast and reshot before airing, and end up much better or worse. But, premature opinions are why God invented the Internet, so let’s get on with…

The Show:

Tuned In Tuned In

Tuned In Pursues Happiness

Because we had to put the magazine to bed on the actual Fourth of July, TIME’s Independence Day holiday is today. Meaning that today you, like the colonists, have won your freedom–from having to read any of my blathering blog posts today. God bless America!

Have a good weekend. And wish America a belated happy birthday with the

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