James Poniewozik

James Poniewozik writes TIME magazine's Tuned In column, about pop culture and society. Tuned In, the blog version, is about the stuff we used to call "TV," whether it's in your living room, on your computer or - once the networks figure out the technology and line up the advertisers - in your dreams themselves.

Articles from Contributor

Tuned In Tuned In

Dead Tree Alert: Intimate Strangers

You feel as if your life is being influenced, unbeknownst to you, by the actions of strangers thousands of miles away. Are you: (a) paranoid, (b) a typical anxious citizen of the globalization era, or (c) a character in a watercooler-buzzed movie or TV series? In this week’s print edition of TIME, the latest installment of my Culture

Tuned In Tuned In

Lostwatch: Subterranean Ben's Sick Blues

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read this post before watching last night’s Lost, or you’ll learn that… that… sniff… excuse me…

Almost since Lost began, fans have whined and complained that the deaths on the series have been convenient and wussified–targeting less-popular, peripheral characters (Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia, Libby) or

Tuned In Tuned In

Save This Show! No, Not That One! This One!

Tonight at 10 p.m. E.T., NBC gives what may turn out to be one last, best chance for the best new drama of the season, one that viewers have ignored despite its intelligence, heart and emotional resonance. No, I haven’t changed my mind about Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, nor have I been drinking. For one night only, NBC is turning over

Tuned In Tuned In

Alex Keaton Beats Jesus

You would have thought that Alex P. Keaton and conservative radio god Rush Limbaugh would be pretty simpatico. But you would have thought wrong. After actor Michael J. Fox shot a TV ad for Missouri Senate candidate Claire McCaskill, criticizing her Republican opponent Jim Talent for opposing expanding stem-cell research, Limbaugh accused

Tuned In Tuned In

Lostwatch: The Long, Long, Loooong Con

I’m going to dispense with the usual Spoiler Alert on this post, because damned if I can think of any information in last night’s Lost that would qualify.

We learned that, if you screw with people’s heads–Benry Gale conning Sawyer, Jack exploiting Juliet’s resentment of Benry–you gain power over them. Very meta, that. That’s pretty

Tuned In Tuned In

Oprah Justifies Madonna's Love

When Madonna went on Oprah Winfrey today to "set the record straight" about her controversial adoption of a Malawian child, the subject of most immediate interest was not her new baby. It was her new accent. The singer’s speaking style had long ago morphed into a strange, inexplicable Britmericanese. But there was something different

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