In The Bride, a swoony version of The Bride of Frankenstein, Brown’s Viktor is like the first pancake: a gnarled test version perfected in a later attempt. When the Baron (Sting) gives it a second whirl, Eva (Jennifer Beals) comes out flawless, indistinguishable from natural-born humans. She rejects her disfigured predecessor as a mate, but she turns out to share an empathic bond with him so that each feels the other’s pain.
During his wanderings, Viktor befriends a dwarf (David Rappaport’s Rinaldo), joins a circus, kills the man who killed Rinaldo, flees, and returns to the castle when he realizes Eva is in danger. That danger comes from the jealous Baron, who wants Eva for his own bride and tries to force himself on her. Rescuing his damsel in distress from her captor, he finally wins her love, and they live happily ever after. Odd, of course, but Brown brings to the role believable pathos and rage.