In late 1982, Lucas announced to the world that the third Star Wars movie would be called Revenge of the Jedi and even went so far as to have posters and a teaser trailer made with that title. Sharp-eyed fans noticed that the poster showed Luke and Vader dueling with the wrong-colored lightsabers. (Luke was depicted wielding a saber with a red beam against Vader’s blue beam, instead of vice versa.)
But then, Lucas decided that revenge was an inappropriate word for Luke’s reclamation of Vader from the dark side of the Force, and he replaced it with return. (He’d resurrect revenge in the final installment of the prequel trilogy, Revenge of the Sith, as a nod to that rejected title.)
So now, he was stuck with thousands of remaindered posters with the wrong title. Of course, fans gobbled them up anyway, knowing that they would one day become lucrative collectors’ items, which they did. Still, it’s hard not to see the indecision behind the poster, along with its mistaken image of Luke and Vader, as a bad omen.