In the real world, computers are too literal-minded (and glitchy) to do anything more or less than exactly what we tell them to do. But in the movies, once we invent microprocessors that are smart enough to think for themselves, they will inevitably turn against us. As a result, we’ll either have to deal with time-traveling cyborgs (in the Terminator franchise) who will stop at nothing to kill and enslave us — including journeying into the past to prevent rebel leaders from arising — or vast computer networks (as in the Matrix trilogy) that will drain human bodies of their bio-energy while using our own Internet addiction to keep us in a birth-to-death stupor.
Either way, the future looks bleak. Neither scenario suggests that some Luddite revolution will come along to free us from the machines; the best we can hope for is a co-dependent relationship with them, not unlike what we have now.