Reverend Philip Shooter (Paul Freeman)
Purveyors of genre cinema will rarely pass up a chance to subvert conventional portrayals of moral authority. Such is the case with the filmmakers’ depiction of Reverend Shooter, the white-haired cleric who tends to the spiritual needs of a small English village. When an investigation by a newly transferred constable (played by Simon Pegg) threatens Sandford’s aggressively maintained facade of charm and tranquility, Shooter—a member of a sinister cabal called the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance—is compelled to draw a pair of concealed pistols in a showdown with the zealous lawman. It’s a small part, played with impressive energy by veteran actor Paul Freeman, who still radiates all the sinister charm he displayed as Belloq, Indy’s ill-fated archeologist rival in Raiders of the Lost Ark.