After the tragedies of Sept. 11, 2001, it took a while for Americans to feel okay about entertainment—and the entertainment industry tried to respond to that reticence with sensitivity. Many films with plots that might remind viewers of the dangers of terrorism were delayed (Arnold Schwarzenegger’s thriller Collateral Damage, the Tim Allen crime comedy Big Trouble) or scuppered entirely (Nosebleed, in which Jackie Chan was to play a World Trade Center window-washer who stops a terrorist plot). Images of the Twin Towers were also carefully removed from movies that had been in production prior to the attacks. Perhaps most notably, the first Tobey Maguire-starring Spider-Man movie had already released promotional material that included a scene of Spider-Man trapping a helicopter in a net between the towers and an image of the towers reflected in the bug-like eyes of his mask. Those trailers and posters were recalled, and the landmark buildings were edited out of the movie.