Set in and filmed at an actual abandoned insane asylum (if there’s a creepier category of building, we can’t think of it), Session 9 is a slow-burning movie. Filled with quiet shots of the decrepit Danvers State Mental Hospital and shot mostly in hazy daylight, the film about a group of men tasked with ridding the building of asbestos has a mood about it unlike any other horror movie out there. For long stretches of time, not much happens. The workers stumble through their days in a daze, as if the building is working a spell on them, lulling them into complacency before it strikes. The same happens to us, and when the end comes, it comes fast and seemingly from out of nowhere. There may not even be ghosts in the film, at least not in the way most people think of ghosts. But there’s something there, barely perceptible and completely frightening.