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Celeb Marathon Update: Don't Mess With Fringe Division

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Al Roker is wearing his New York City Marathon medal on the Today show this morning, and I don’t blame him. I wore mine home on the subway yesterday, and there’s nothing like getting rounds of congratulations from strangers for your running bling. I’m considering making it a regular part of my wardrobe.

I finished the marathon yesterday with an unofficial time of 4:02:13. I missed my original goal of beating my time from 12 years ago; but I achieved my backup goal, arrived at around mile 22, of not vomiting and dropping dead. I’ll take it!

So how did I compare with the slew of celebrity racers yesterday? Well, I finished ahead of Roker, Meredith Vieira, sandwich eater Jared Fogle and rescued Chilean miner Edison Pena—who, OK, had a couple obstacles in his training. But I was barely a minute behind my nemesis Bobby Flay. [Shakes fist at sky] FLAY!!!!

And I was not even close enough to eat the dust of The Bachelorette’s Ryan Sutter, who finished a good 40 minutes ahead of me. But I believe the celeb champ of the day was Fringe’s Kirk Acevedo, who destroyed the course with a time of nearly three hours flat. Congratulations, Kirk, but I’m beginning to suspect you got help from Massive Dynamic.