Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” is the ultimate anthem of girl power. You know that feeling when you’ve finally gotten over a guy — kicked him like a bad habit — and he comes crawling back for Round 2? (Or 3 or 4 or 5?) Listen to Gloria, and she’ll tell you what to do: change that stupid lock, make him leave the key and tell him he is not welcome anymore. In the undeniably catchy 1978 disco hit, Gaynor charts the anatomy of a breakup. At first, she was afraid and petrified — she thought she could never leave without her man by her side. But then she got appropriately enraged when she sat around thinking on so many nights how he did her wrong. And eventually she grew strong and learned how to get along on her own again. What did you think? That she would crumble? That she’d just lay down and die? Oh, no, not this girl.