Let’s get one thing straight: Ferris Bueller is kind of a jerk. He does whatever he wants without caring how it affects anyone else, and wraps his selfishness up in a holier-than-thou postmodern values system. The real heart of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is his best friend, Alan Ruck’s Cameron. While Ferris prances around being impossibly awesome, Cameron has actual real-world problems (depression, cold parents, a hopeless crush on Ferris’ girlfriend) to deal with. He’s a bit of a whiner, but that doesn’t stop him from being a loyal, kind and funny friend. You could even argue that Cameron is the movie’s main character: of the central trio, he’s the only one who grows over the course of the film. When he takes the blame for the destruction of his dad’s Ferrari, it’s the most heroic moment in the whole movie.