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Dead Tree Alert: Breaking Bad, Breaking Best

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In the print issue of TIME on newsstands today, I have a piece on the amazing third season of Breaking Bad, which wraps up Sunday night. [Update: Oh, it’s customary to link to the story, isn’t it? Ahem.] I’ve been a broken record about this at the blog, but it’s really something that a show like this—which debuted as quite a good drama in its strike-shortened first season—could find yet a higher gear in its third. At the halfway point of the year, this is easily so far the best series to have aired on TV in 2010.

In the preview, I cover the third season in general and refer only very nebulously to the finale. But if you’re spoiler-averse in the extreme, you could avoid the last couple paragraphs of the review until Monday, just in case. And yes, I have seen the finale episode, which you should definitely watch because—well, I won’t say any more.