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Dead Tree Alert: The Meaning of Lost; Plus, Lost in 108 Seconds!

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Yeah, so I flew to Hawaii to visit the Lost finale being shot. I know. I have a really lousy life. And I saw a pretty spoilery scene, which I can’t tell you much about. And I did some interviews with the cast members and producers, which I can tell you about. Then I wrote a cover-length story for TIME. Then I cut it about in half, because this went on the cover instead. But it’s still pretty damn big. You can read it here.

Needless to say there’s a whole lot I left out—partly for space reasons, but also because I wanted the story to be accessible to non-Lost obsessives, as well as both fans and people who just want to know what the big deal is with this show. So the feature itself looks back at Lost’s big-picture ideas and significance on TV. Time permitting [God laughs], I’ll post some transcripts from my cast and Cuselof interviews, which get into some issues of more specific interest to fans, next week as we walk up to the finale.

If you buy the print version, there are some neat graphics and additional cast quotes. Online, you get this extra slideshow goodie, in which I attempt to sum up the entire story of Lost in 108 seconds. Watch it after the jump:

[vodpod id=Video.3612222&w=425&h=350&fv=videoId%3D85425673001%26amp%3BlinkBaseURL%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.time.com%252Ftime%252Fvideo%252Fplayer%252F0%252C32068%252C85425673001_1989168%252C00.html%26amp%3BplayerID%3D42806370001%26amp%3Bdomain%3Dembed%26amp%3BdynamicStreaming%3Dtrue]

Don’t take the video too seriously. (Also: Yes, I’m aware I am not the first person to sum up a TV show in a set amount of time. Including Lost.) I left a lot out. (For starters, Richard, Walt, Rousseau…) And I took some liberties with chronology and oversimplification. But it’s surprising how much you can get in 108 seconds. And it was actually kind of a useful exercise to see how much of the plot I could get entirely off the top of my head.

[PS: I know! The video is longer than 108 seconds. I think the count excludes the beginning blackout and end credits. There’s no fooling Lost fans about Numbers!]