Show: Roseanne
Kids: Becky, Darlene and D.J.
Known for: Wisecracking, beer-drinking, motorcycles and sports
Sure, construction contractor Dan Connor was, at times, a pretty hands-off dad. The show isn’t called Roseanne for nothing. But John Goodman, playing Dan as a gruff, goofy, goodhearted Joe Sixpack, showed love for his three children in other ways — making Halloween an entertaining family affair, allowing both his daughters’ boyfriends to move in the Connor home and not killing either of them, keeping Roseanne at bay when she surely would have chewed up and spit out one of her misbehaving kids. He also did everything to make sure his family had place to live and food to eat — even if Roseanne cooked it all, and worked to help pay for it.
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