The jewel in director Wes Anderson’s crown of preciousness, Tenenbaums concerns a family of three child geniuses — Margot (Gwyneth Paltrow), the wunderkind playwright, Chas (Ben Stiller) the young entrepreneur, and Richie (Luke Wilson) the pre-adolescent tennis star — who fizzle as adults. Deserted by their father Royal (Gene Hackman) just as they began to soar in each of their respective fields, the trio have since turned into frustrated grownups reminiscent of J.D. Salinger’s Glass family.
Full of deadpan irony, exaggerated character tics, precisely detailed and whimsical production design, and a top-notch ensemble cast, Tenenbaums gathers all of Anderson’s oft-repeated stylistic tendencies into a funny and ultimately touching package.