Tuned In

Idol Watch: Caw! Caw! Caw!

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Spoilers for last night’s American Idol coming up after the jump: 

I suppose the headline itself was something of a spoiler, but this is my last chance to use it, so I went for it. In a stunning repudiation of the electoral power of votefortheworst.com, Megan Joy is no longer with us. Why it was this week instead of after, say, her bizarre rendition of Rockin’ Robin I don’t know; perhaps Megan has just run out of pretty passes. But I can’t say it wasn’t deserved. Megan was always a better singer in theory than in practice, and if you’re going to go for the eccentric jazz-singer niche, you have to kill it every week or you’re just going to sound weird. 

I’d like it if a singer in Megan’s style, but with more ability to actually deliver the goods, turned up some day on Idol. As for Mrs. Tuned In, I think her only regret was that Megan could not be eliminated twice. (Which—with Simon’s dismissive announcement that there would be no save because she hurt his feelings by saying she didn’t care about his opinion—in a way she was.) Who should we root against now?