Tuned In

The Morning After: Chuck in Charge

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It has become a refrain of certain commenters here—cough! Chaddogg! cough!—that Tuned In is not showing sufficient love to Chuck this season. Triage, my friends, triage. I’m liking Chuck better this season than I did the first, but (1) I tend to watch them in chunks, either on DVD long before they air, or on TiVo long after, and (2) for whatever reason I can’t quite put my finger on, I don’t really think it lends itself to a weekly Watch, maybe because I enjoy most of the episodes in pretty much the same way. What I’ve particularly liked about this season, though, is how it’s kept from spinning its wheels. Chuck couldn’t plausibly and interestingly be an inept nebbish forever. Instead, the show has had him grow into a competent, even potent, spy in his own way. 

All that said, I haven’t yet watched last night’s episode, so… have at it. [Update: The indefatiguable Sepinwall has a breakdown of the episode.]