tv tonight

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: I Got a Rock


Tonight, ABC airs annual favorite It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. (It’s paired with the midterm-timely special You’re Not Elected, Charlie Brown, which at risk of heresy may be the superior cartoon.) The clip above is not from that show; it’s from The Charlie Brown and Snoopy …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: One Last Season for FNL

Tonight on DirecTV, Friday Night Lights returns for the last time (or the last time until the final season re-returns for its second run on NBC next year, for which no date has yet been set). I’m going to follow the same practice I did last year: because most Tuned Inlanders don’t have access to this run of episodes (which won’t be on …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: Art & Copy


Think of it as a Mad Men DVD extra without the DVD. Tonight on PBS, Independent Lens debuts Art & Copy, a stylish documentary about the American ad business from midcentury forward that—like Don Draper’s career itself—traces the ascendancy of the copywriter in a business that used …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: Back In Treatment

If I had unlimited time and it weren’t a dereliction of my duty as a TV critic, sometime I’d like to try taking in an entire season of In Treatment with the picture turned off: just sound, like a radio drama, or a podcast. It wouldn’t be the same, of course; In Treatment is a visual production just like any TV show (or stage play, which …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret

Here’s why I don’t post here every time a former Arrested Development star says, “We’re really close to making the movie!”: I’ve heard it too many times to believe it until I see it. Fox’s Running Wilde, likewise, is not the second coming of Arrested Development. Nor was Mitch Hurwitz’s Sit Down, Shut Up. And IFC’s The Increasingly

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: My Generation

It is very possible to make a good TV show about a bad TV show. On 30 Rock, for instance, TGS manages to stay on the air every year, but what we see of it—”Zis machine has too many farts in it! It’s going to explode!”—does not suggest a classic.

My Generation, premiering on ABC tonight, is about a bad documentary. A film crew …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: Community's Sophomore Swing

There are sitcoms you enjoy because you have such a good time watching them, and then there are the sitcoms you enjoy because the people involved clearly have such a good time making them. Community, which returns tonight on NBC, is an example of the latter. (The former too, but especially the latter.) The show, about a motley study …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: Undercovers

The running theme of this fall season has been that the broadcast networks have been focusing on simple, easy-to-follow shows, ceding more involved, serial shows to cable. (The couple of exceptions have had mixed results so far: The Event premiered well, Lone Star became a falling star.) That means a lot of new shows this season that …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: What Do You Do for a Second Act?

Say you create a sitcom that you’re really proud of. You like it, critics like it, it develops a loyal fan base. It has its run and goes off the air, maybe sooner than you’d have liked, sooner than your fans would have liked, before you’ve had a chance to really tell all the stories you’d have liked to tell.

What do you do? You can …

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