
Tuned In Tuned In

McCain Tries to Britney-fy Obama

I haven’t been spending much time picking apart campaign ads in this election, because I know enough about what I don’t know about that I don’t want to pretend to be But in his newest ad, John McCain has come into Tuned In’s house, as the kids say, attacking Barack Obama on pop culture.

Again, I’ll leave the analysis of …

Tuned In Tuned In

MSNBC Holds Fire on Gun Ad

Ben Smith at Politico reports that MSNBC has decided not to run an ad from Mayors Against Illegal Guns, an organization advocating the closing of a “gun-show loophole” for the purchase of firearms. The reason, says an MSNBC spokesman: “We don’t accept controversial issue advertising.”

Even if we leave aside the politics of guns, and …

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