The creator of ‘The West Wing’ and the renowned actor shared a struggle with drug addiction. Sorkin remembers a performer who …
Aaron Sorkin
The Newsroom Will End After Next Season
Season three will be the show’s last
Anchor Management: 10 Best Fictional TV Newsrooms
A new season of HBO’s ‘The Newsroom’ brings to mind our favorite news studios from movies and TV
“I hope I don't get killed by the studio for giving too much away, but this entire movie is going to be three scenes and three scenes only that all take place in real time.”
Groovy Gigs: Top 10 TV Offices We Want to Work In
Jeff Daniels on The Newsroom, Sorkin’s Script and Public Meltdowns
Jeff Daniels stars as Will McAvoy, a veteran news anchor who suffers a crisis of conscience and snaps in front of an audience of college students in The Newsroom, debuting on HBO June 24. Aaron Sorkin’s first television show in …
Sorkin’s Newsroom Plans Premiere, Adds to Vast History of Fake TV Networks
According to a report in Mediabistro, HBO is moving ahead with plans for a summer premiere of Aaron Sorkin’s cable-news drama The Newsroom, possibly on June 24. The report also says that there’s a new name for the fictional cable …
Breaking News! Aaron Sorkin’s HBO Cable-News Drama Gets a Name
Things are moving along at the HBO Aaron Sorkin Project formerly known as “Untitled Aaron Sorkin Project.” According to Alex Weprin at TVNewser, the series, set at a fictional cable-news network now has a name… wait for it… …
Breaking News! HBO Picks Up Sorkin’s Cable-News Series
While this may not count as the most stunning development in TV, HBO has made it official: it’s greenlighted a season of Aaron Sorkin‘s yet untitled drama set at a cable news network, starring Jeff Daniels as a talented but difficult high-profile anchor.
With little to go on but the premise and Sorkin’s history, I’m excited, and I’m nervous.
Is Cable News Going to Get Sorkin-ized?
Keith Olbermann may be out of a job now, but there’s a possibility that he—or a fictional character bearing his likeness—may end up getting the Jedediah Josiah Bartlet, or Mark Zuckerberg, treatment on HBO. Aaron Sorkin, creator of The West Wing and likely soon-to-be Oscar nominee for writing The Social Network, has told the BBC that …