Tuned In Tuned In

24: Blather, Rinse, Repeat

OK, so 24 repeats itself. That’s what it does; that’s what it’s for. It’s probably silly to even point it out. And I tend to agree with Tim Goodman that 24 is so ludicrous, it defies analysis.

But it doesn’t defy a quick-and-dirty list, so here’s a taxonomy of elements from last night’s episode lifted from earlier 24 seasons:

* Jack …

Even More About MoMA and Money

I spoke earlier today with John Elderfield, the chief curator of painting and sculpture at MoMA, who wanted to elaborate on an episode that I mentioned in an earlier blogpost about the very imaginative compensation arrangements devised some years ago for MoMA Director Glenn Lowry, which came to light recently in the New York …

Tuned In Tuned In

Sylar, Our Hero!

If you haven’t watched last night’s Heroes, remove the top of your head and input the contents of the episode before reading further.

NBC Photo: Justin Lubin

So, good news and bad news. On the one hand, Mohinder’s not dead. But on the bright side, Sylar could still kill him in the next episode!

While last night’s episode didn’t match

Abu Dhabi Dilemma

In the British newspaper The Guardian Frank Gehry posted a few reflections today about his upcoming new Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi. The most interesting part is this:

“Abu Dhabi does throw up some very particular issues for the Guggenheim and the display of art. I don’t think we’ll be allowed to display nudes, and there are all sorts of

Tuned In Tuned In

Finding Jesus, Or Not

Was able to catch the purportedly sacrilegious Discovery documentary The Lost Tomb of Jesus last night, after a brief outage in one of my TiVo tuners that I must take to be the work of an angry God. It takes more than divine intervention, however, to stop the Satanic force that is television criticism.

I can’t say, I have that much to …

Tuned In Tuned In

BSG: Also Sprach Kara Thrace-stra

WARNING: If you haven’t watched last night’s Battlestar Galactica and don’t want it spoiled, go the frak away.

SCI FI Channel Photo: Carole Segal

It’s a strange experience watching sci-fi shows on advance screener DVDs. Because so many scenes contain effects that are added in postproduction at the last minute, the episodes are often

Tuned In Tuned In

Who Says TV Has to Be Good?


Ulrich on Jericho

Any given season, there are at least a couple series that I watch, loyally and attentively, even though they are not, in any aesthetically defensible sense of the word, good. This year, that award has to go to Jericho, CBS’s postapocalyptic drama set in Kansas after a multiple nuke attack cripples the U.S. The

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