Tuned In Tuned In

The Morning After: Wrapping Up

L-Lo suits up for prime time. / KAREN NEAL/ABC

It’s May, and that means time to let a bunch of season finales accumulate unwatched on my TiVo. To the pile last night we added the two-hour finale of Grey’s Anatomy and the Lohan-ized episode of Ugly Betty. I once enjoyed Ugly Betty a lot, but I sort of drifted away from it between the …

Not A Pretty Picture

The Scream, Munch, 1910. / MUNCH MUSEUM

It’s been almost two years since police recovered The Scream and Madonna, the Edvard Munchs that were stolen in 2004 from the Munch Museum in Oslo. We’ve known for a while that both paintings were damaged during the theft and after. Tomorrow they go on display again at the museum, and the …

Tuned In Tuned In

Lost Discussion Group: Exit Strategy

Happy Not-Lost Day! With one week until the two-hour finale, this seems like a good time to kick around your speculations about what the last episode of season 4 will bring.

Take it in whatever direction you want, but here’s a kickoff question. How the Oceanic Six get off the Island is obviously a big question hanging out there. But …

Tuned In Tuned In

SATC Spoils Itself

So yesterday I saw the new Sex and the City movie. I was hesitant to blog much about it, partly because I didn’t want to pre-empt my review in the print Time, partly because I was still figuring out how much information I could blab without spoiling the movie. New Line has been particularly sensitive about press spoilers, perhaps because …

Tuned In Tuned In

Reaping Rewards

SPOILER ALERT: Brief spoilers about the Reaper season finale follow.

With so many shows disrupted and marred by the aftereffects of the writers’ strike, it’s good to see one series that actually considerably improved at the end of this season. I had pretty much given up on Reaper by the time the strike hit, but the show finally started …

Paul Rudolph Redux

Art and Architecture Building, Yale University, Paul Rudolph, 1963 /Image: COURTESY YALE

On Tuesday I finally got a look inside one of the most contested buildings of the last half century. I’ve written a few times about the threat of demolition faced by Paul Rudolph houses, schools and offices around the country. At Yale, where …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Poll: American Oddsmaker

Your challenges are simple:

Who wins American Idol tonight? What song would you pick for David Archuleta to sing? Which for David Cook?

I’m going with Cook, on the theory that he will be able to successfully emo-ify whatever big sploogey anthem is this year’s Idol coronation song, and thus outshine Archuleta’s pure but straightforward …

Tuned In Tuned In

The Morning After: Gossip Amongst Yourselves

If I had watched the finale yet, I’d have a more appropriate caption here. / Giovanni Rufino/ THE CW

Between season-finale triage—I wanted to get How I Met Your Mother out of the way first—and a morning deadline, I haven’t yet watched the Gossip Girl finale. Those of you who have and are dying to discuss, feel free to drop your …

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