Tuned In Tuned In

Media Measuring the Drapes?

God help me, I think I actually agree with Matt Drudge about something. In a banner headline this morning (since replaced) Drudge ran together the names of a bunch of news organizations (including TIME) and asked, “Can They All Be Wrong?” The question wasn’t specific, but since it including pretty much everyone who’s been polling the …

Tuned In Tuned In

The Morning After: The Numbers

Yesterday saw another exciting World Series game, so that meant, naturally, that I was watching Jon and Kate Plus Eight, followed by 17 Kids and Counting, on TLC. Jon and Kate, for those of you unfamiliar, is about the Gosselins, a family that was blessed/cursed with a set of twins, followed by sextuplets; 17 Kids is about the …

The Bergs

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about “Action/Abstraction”, partly because the show recently landed at its second venue, the St. Louis Art Museum. It’s about Abstract Expressionism and the the various kinds of abstraction that followed it, as seen through the lens of the rivalry between Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg, the …

Tuned In Tuned In

The Other Chocolate News

Last Saturday night, CNN debuted D.L. Hughley Breaks the News. I know what you’re thinking: he just put that headline on this post because D.L. Hughley’s a black guy. But the news-comedy show that he produced, at least the first time out, was at least as race-conscious, if not more, than David Allan Grier’s Chocolate News for Comedy …

We’re Back

I’ll return to serious blogging later today.  For now I just wanted to announce that the Time.com blogs, which experienced some serious tech problems on Friday, are back up and running.  Including this one.  The archive of older posts will also be back soon.


Tuned In Tuned In

Dead Tree Alert: Got to Be Real

An asteroid hit Time’s blogs Friday before I got a chance to link to my column in this week’s print Time, about the campaign rhetoric over “real” Americans and the way the media helps feed those myths. It starts a little more personally than usual, because it’s an issue I feel a little more personally than usual:

My name is James, and I

Tuned In Tuned In

Mad Men Watch: While You Were Out

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers for Mad Men coming up—right now! Because I haven’t figured out yet how to do a jump page in the new blog platform. [Update: Fixed it!] So climb into your bomb shelter and watch the season finale of Mad Men if you haven’t already.

Tuned In Tuned In

Ow! My Blog! Update

If you’re reading this, you’ve managed to find the Tuned In site—which is more than I could say for myself for several hours after the Time blogs came back online Friday. We’re up and running again, though not at full capacity. Here’s an update, in brief, of the status as far as I understand it:

  • Posts prior to Friday are still

Tuned In Tuned In

Exit Strategery

Back after the 2000 election was resolved, Will Ferrell as George W. Bush introduced himself as President to the American people: “And keep in mind. That’s for a whole year.”

Ah, has it really been that long? Ferrell came out Thursday night for a curtain call, with Tina Fey as Sarah Palin, offering Darrell Hammond’s John McCain an …


Faithful TIME.com blog-readers may have noticed something odd today: the blogs kind of disappeared. Long story short, we’ve had major server problems, and as a result we’ve had to re-launch all of our blogs on WordPress. The upside is a faster, better, more stable platform. The downside is we’ll need a few days to get our archives back …


Faithful TIME.com blog-readers may have noticed something odd today: the blogs kind of disappeared. Long story short, we’ve had major server problems, and as a result we’ve had to re-launch all of our blogs on WordPress. The upside is a faster, better, more stable platform. The downside is we’ll need a few days to get our archives back …

Tuned In Tuned In

The Evening After: Ouch! I Broke My Blog! Edition

Miss me? Time’s blogs have been down for the day after a combination meltdown/switchover to a new publishing platform. If you are reading this, I have managed to publish on the new platform without blowing up my computer. You may notice a few things missing as we get the new version up and running, but we should soon restore all the …

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