Tuned In Tuned In


From the Wish-I-Had-Thought-of-It department, Newsday’s Verne Gay has a great post paralleling the troubles of NBC with those of its advertiser and former My Own Worst Enemy product-placer, General Motors.

There are so many ways you can go with this. I probably would have been much more glib: overinvested in a product line that was

Tuned In Tuned In

TiVo Speaks

While chronicling my week in TiVo-service hell last week, there’s one thing I didn’t point out: I actually probably got better service than the average customer would have in the same situation. The average customer—as opposed to a TV critic—wouldn’t have had contact numbers at TiVo to call to get technical support after a morning …

Tuned In Tuned In

It's Listin' Time!

I don’t think I’m one of those bitter critics who hates everything on TV. But in 2008, I sometimes felt like one, especially as it came time to compile my top-10 lists for the end of the year. This was the toughest year I can remember to fill out a list, and I can only partly blame this situation on the strike. Yes, there was less new …

Tuned In Tuned In

30 Rock Watch: I Want to Go to There

Though I suspect a lot of people will be declaring—as we get into year-end roundup and critic’s-list season—that this was 30 Rock’s year, really what it has been is Tina Fey’s year. She’s on the cover of Vanity Fair, she was the showbiz star of the election with her Palin impersonation and she’s a pop-cultural obsession of the …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Weekend: House of Saddam

On the first night of HBO’s House of Saddam miniseries, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is being shown a prototype of a monument being built to him, a pair of arms bearing crossed swords. It’s very small, Saddam says. The flustered demonstrator explains, nervously and cautiously, that it’s just a model. Saddam laughs. “I was …

Tuned In Tuned In

Hat Tip to Lisa Cullen

A year or so ago, I traded e-mails with my fellow time.com blogger Lisa Cullen, of Work in Progress. I don’t remember the original subject, but she asked, in her usual overly modest style, whether there were all that many people you could interest in reading a blog about work, as opposed to, say, politics.

Are you kidding?, I told her. …

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