The Republican National Committee trumpeted its outrage this summer, but it should have been clear the Clinton camp wanted this no more than the GOP
News Media
The New Crossfire Parties Like It’s 2003
The return of CNN’s punditry face-off managed to be both snide and stilted at the same time.
Crossfire Is Returning Early, Just in Time to Oversimplify Syria
The classic CNN argutainment show was based on the idea that every debate has two sides. But Syria, its reason for returning early, is proof that that assumption is wrong.
Danger Zone: The New (Or Old?) Adventures of Anthony Weiner
Sex scandals don’t automatically destroy politicians anymore. Whether Carlos Danger survives this media frenzy may depend on whether he can define his new problems as old news.
There Is a 99.45% Chance That Nate Silver Is Changing Journalism
His deal with ESPN is about more than Disney vs. the New York Times. If Silver-style analysis spreads, everyone can win.
Viruses Don’t Care About Your View: Why ABC Shouldn’t Have Hired Jenny McCarthy
Giving a job on The View to a anti-vaccine celebrity sends a dangerous message about public health and science in general
In Texas Filibuster, YouTube Stands Up While “24/7” News Falls
The ticking-clock late-night showdown over an abortion bill was riveting TV news. So why did it play out almost entirely online?
Michael Hastings and Who Journalists Really Work For
Hastings, who died Tuesday at 33, knew something all journalists should remember: that he worked for his readers, not for his sources.
From the Source’s Mouth: Still in Hiding, Snowden Does a Q&A Online
Holding an online interview is in the leaker’s spirit of transparency, but it may empower the person giving the A’s as much as the public asking the Q’s.
Fox’s Megyn Kelly Alpha-Dogs Working-Mom Critic Erick Erickson
Whatever Erick Erickson thinks he knows about the animal kingdom, he’s got a lot to learn about dominant females among the species of Fox.
Reliable Sources Answers: Who Shall Critique the Media Critic?
More interesting than the individual elements of the Howard Kurtz controversy was seeing a TV host answer for them on his own show.
Two Cheers for CNN
Things haven’t been pretty at CNN lately, but Anthony Bourdain and Jake Tapper suggest two ways the network can get interesting without getting dumb.
Un-Arrested Development: On Boston Bomber, Media Outlets Walk Back a Big Story, Again
After last summer’s SCOTUS screw-up, CNN didn’t make the same embarrassing mistake. It—and a few others—made a brand-new embarrassing mistake.