HLN, Social Media, and the “If It Trends, It Leads” Problem
The network is rebranding with a focus on following hot stories on social media. But maybe audiences want a news network to be more than a follower.
The network is rebranding with a focus on following hot stories on social media. But maybe audiences want a news network to be more than a follower.
A stunning, six-minute-long tracking shot ends a stellar episode, and lets us see the story from Rust Cohle’s terrifying perspective.
The Sochi opening spectacle tells the story of Russia–blowing past some awkward parts–and NBC tries to keep up.
Billy Crystal, a Kardashian, and some tears for Jay’s (re)retirement
The most-hyped sitcom of the fall is all but over. What went wrong?
CBS was already dominating the once Must-See night. Now it’s just spiking the ball.
Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David’s secret project was a mini-reunion of their classic sitcom Seinfeld — for just long enough to grab a cup of coffee.
It took a commercial for a global soda company to prove the “speak English!” crowd wrong about what makes America strong.
“Ann and Chris” said goodbye to two major characters, and recalled the show’s optimistic, community-spirited roots.
Decency crusaders thought it would be a pop-culture 9/11. But if the Janet Jackson incident changed anything, it was the belief that one controversy could turn back the cultural clock.
The GOP and Democratic callouts to Duck Dynasty and Mad Men respectively said a lot about the two dueling visions of America and its history.
Esquire’s disturbing docuseries shows eight-year-olds in Texas suffering for football glory—and the dreams and anxieties of the adults who put them out there.
“You said all of the same things, exactly, about Conan.”