NBC has green lighted a multi-camera comedy written by Liz Feldman (who created 2 Broke Girls) and produced by Ellen DeGeneres, Deadline reports. The show will follow the story of a lesbian and her straight male best friend who get pregnant together just as he meets the woman he thinks could be “the one.”
This isn’t the first time DeGeneres and Feldman have worked together: Feldman worked for two years on DeGeneres’ talk show, Ellen, and wrote for DeGeneres’ first hosting gig for the Oscars.
DeGeneres revealed her sexual orientation on her ABC sitcom Ellen in 1997 (with a followup story on the cover of TIME). Her coming out paved the way for more lesbian characters to appear on primetime television. Beginning this summer, especially, TV writers have noted (here, here and here) that lesbian characters are having a “moment” on TV in shows like Orange is the New Black, The Fosters, Glee, The Bridge and Once Upon a Time.