Prince Joins Twitter (and Releases Preview of New Song)

"Did eye add 2 much pepper?" the real Prince tweeted last night

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Earlier this year, TIME included Prince as one of the best Twitter users of 2013, even though the feed, PrinceTweets2U, was not actually written by Prince. Whoever does run the account now has competition in the form of The Purple One himself.

Last night, the notoriously Net-averse rock star joined Twitter. Tweeting under the 3rdeyegirl handle, which Billboard points out was confirmed by Twitter’s Tatiana Grace, Prince tested the Twitter waters:

From the first shaky steps, came a trickle of tweets including a more confident “PRINCE’S 2ND TWEET,” a photo of what may perhaps be his dinner, a photo of himself holding a rose, and then a so-called “selfie,” which did not, in fact, include a self-portrait of the artist:

Perhaps the most interesting tweet, out of a very interesting feed, was the tweet that linked to a preview of a new song called, “Let’s Go Crazy Reloaded.” The song shows off Prince’s ability to play funked out smooth jazzy better than anyone else as well as his ability to poke fun at himself. Accompanying the video was a tweet that read “CATCH THIS NOW B4 MY LAWYERS DEW,” which was a wink and a nod to his notoriously sharp eye for video copyright violations.


MORE: The 140 Best Twitter Feeds of 2013
MORE: Why Prince Triumphed With Gen X