Tuned In

Liveblogging the Tapedolympics

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I’ll be at this space tonight, doing some play-by-play on the NBC coverage of the Olympic opening ceremonies. Tuned In Jr. and Tuned In Jr. Jr. will be staying up to watch too, so coverage depends in part on whether I can keep them from spilling anything on my laptop.

Any “liveblogging,” of course, has to contend with the slight inconvenience of the fact that the ceremony has already been held, and is being aired 12 hours later. I know a lot of people get exercised about NBC’s practice of saving live events to air during U.S. primetime on tape-delay. Personally, I’d just as gladly TiVo most events and watch them some time next year, but I’m not the world’s biggest sports fan, so I’m not the guy to ask.

For those of you who care more, what are you doing to deal with / circumvent the delay? (I notice, for instance, that I can’t get CBC’s live video feed to play “in my region,” a nifty irony given how the foreign press corps have been protesting China’s shutting off Internet sites to journalists. Update: Not that the irony is evidently stopping NBC ‘s lawyers. Restricting Internet traffic for political reasons is one thing; doing it for money, that’s another!)