Union Station, in Worcester, Mass., is ready for its close-up.
If you recognize the exterior of this classic-looking train station — and you’re not a regular commuter to Worcester — it’s probably because the station proved this year that it can act. It played the part of the Camden, N.J., setting for American Hustle‘s climactic night out. (The interior scenes were shot in Boston.)
Though there’s no Oscar category for Best Supporting Architecture, the team at Google ran Street View searches for some of the locations that starred in this year’s Oscar-nominated films. And — just like seeing someone like Matthew McConaughey go from an emaciated on-screen character to his red-carpet-ready self — seeing these places on their off-time is pretty cool.
The train station wasn’t the only real-world spot that had a big on-screen moment this year. For example:
That’s the Columns Hotel in New Orleans — which stood in for one in Washington, D.C., in 12 Years a Slave.
The Shalimar Diner in Queens, N.Y. is where The Wolf of Wall Street‘s Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) is first approached by his future business partner Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill).
Of course, just as with the actual Oscars categories, these locations share the billing with some Hollywood veterans. If you recognize this location, the spot where Belfort meets with a P.I. about Stratton Oakmont’s future…
That’s maybe because you’ve seen it before — either in Jay Z’s video for “D.O.A.” or from the news. The least likely reason for your déjà vu, however, is having actually been there: Rao’s restaurant, in New York City, is regarded as the hardest restaurant reservation in the country.
(MORE: What Makes an Oscar Winner)