This Is Now A Fact: Macklemore Is A Better Rapper Than Jay Z, Kanye, Kendrick Lamar and Drake

Grammy shocker for Best Rap Album

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ML Layton / FilmMagic

Macklemore performs at Verizon Center on November 18, 2013 in Washington, DC.

He is the winner of Best Rap Album, Best Rap Performance and Best Rap Song. Millions of hip-hop fans just lost all hope.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” lang=”en”><p>I almost rather see Weird Al win. At least I KNOW that’s a joke. <a href=”;src=hash”>#Macklemore</a&gt; <a href=”;src=hash”>#GRAMMYs</a></p>&mdash; mxmxnhxnrx (@mymanhenri) <a href=”″>January 27, 2014</a></blockquote>
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But minutes later they would win Best New Artist. And they gave a nice shout-out to everybody in hip-hop, worldwide. Then they got played off the stage.