Kanye West, shown here in New York City on Sept. 10, 2013
Kanye West flayed the CEO of Zappos, saying he was selling a “sh*t” product earlier this week. West told Bret Easton Ellis (author of American Psycho) on his podcast, “I got into this giant argument with the head of Zappos that he’s trying to tell me what I need to focus on. Meanwhile he sells all this sh*t product to everybody, his whole thing is based off of selling sh*t product.”
In response, Zappos has launched a “sh*t product” page on their site where one can buy a toilet and plunger for $100,000. Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh said, “Yest it’s true that we sell sh*t product,” in a statement and directed readers to the new page. “This is the throne, everyone has been watching. Whether you’re #1 or #2, your clique will show no mercy, even in Paris.”