Season: 2, Episode 13
Original Airdate: January 13, 1995
Critics and diehard fans (known as X-philes) point to the incestuous violence of “Home” as the series’ most chilling hour — after all, it was banned for some time from network television. But there’s a humorous underbelly that belies the taut tension of battered heads, limbless victims, and Johnny Mathis. What “Irresistible” captures is genuine terror that’s real, unforgiving, and haunting.
Nick Chinlund’s soulless portrayal of death fetishist Donnie Pfaster tiptoes behind us hours after the credits roll, terrorizing the mind with his blank stare that makes Michael Myers seem cuddly. By eschewing the show’s trademark paranormal phenomena for something a little more tangible, “Irresistible” reveals that within the macabre world of The X-Files, the darkest corners are just next door. FYI: You’ll never look at clipped nails the same way again. Ever.